What's Going on in my Area

My Area FCA

Want to know what is going on in or around your county or school? Keep scrolling to find your place!

Alcorn Co.

Recently, my dear friend and FCA bestie, Krisi Boren, asked me if I would come and speak with two of my best friends at The Table in Amory. This is an all girls event for 6th-12th grade, and it's something that we have also started doing here in Alcorn County! It was so much fun to prepare for our own by seeing the way God showed up there! Will you join me in prayer for The Table 2025?!

-Callie Estes

Northeast MS

Community College

One of the baseball coaches was driving by the field a few weeks ago and noticed quite a few vehicles at the field house. He went through the gate and didn't see anyone on the field. When he opened the door to the locker room, there were 20+ players circled up doing a Bible study together. We know that the kingdom "is like a little yeast in the dough." The kingdom is being mixed into the DNA of the campus here at NEMCC. Believing that it will soon be in every team!

-Ethan Estes

Prentiss County

Booneville FCA is going great! We are gearing up for Saw You at the Pole at the end of the month. Our high school team has started Friday morning prayer time! We are excited for all the things going on in Prentiss County!

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